Emo Real Life

Nobody want to interact with unstable mental person, means wild, with skinny jeans.
Man with fear, no courage, nor brave to talk gently with another guy. Or so with emo label, means long hair, black eyes, lips, carrying drugs everywhere while depressed and thought that the life won't give them any of joy ( note that not every emo person just like in my description ).

People always saw them everywhere on the streets, full body tattoo, but little girly in style. But actually,  this kind of depressed is culturally, judged to be worse than what they were. The more people judge them, the more them, to resist social, and sometimes become anarchist.

What i'm going to write on this page is simple, everyone who think emo is cool, some fashion with hoody, jeans, or skinny shirt, just don't make it so complicated. I know that everyone who read this post, will think it's bullshit things, but think about it, don't dress to looks like what you don't know much. And to everyone who think emo is cult, person with incapability of managing themself and so their life, don't think like this. Fashion is kind of blur things lately.

Anyway, i was raised in punk society, people who love punk gigs, not like pop punk and some shit or garbage major recs trash that play the culture make us disappoint for it.
I play guitar for many band, my punk band those sounds like Antiflag, NOFX, etc, my britpop band ( sounds like Cocteau Twins, My Bloody Valentine, The Smith),  iceland music ( shoe gaze etc. ).
I was totally dress with mohawk hair cut, skinny jeans, doctor martin shoes i bought original one from UK. It seems comfortable because what ? Because i was raised in the manner of its, not because "whoa ! this is cool ! i want to be like them !" - those teenagers say everyday. I don't care what kind of music i play, because it doesn't matter to me, "hey, i feel so comfortable wearing all of these, anyone don't like me or my style, just go away, go fuck yourself"

So, anyone who come and see this post should be generally splits into two sides, both of pro and contra, but

an old quote sounds true to everyone :
Don't judge a book from its cover !

Here, it's kind of gift from many person i know, my ex band partners, and others, not emo, but you'll enjoy all of it :)


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